var translations={"en":{"META_DESC":"Drawize is a free online drawing game like Pictionary. Draw and guess with friends or people around the World, quick draw something, or play a guessing game!","META_TITLE":"Drawize - Fun Multiplayer Drawing Game","DESC_S1":"Drawize is a fun, free online drawing game similar to Pictionary - but online! You can draw and guess with friends or other players around the world, guess the drawing, or quick draw something for practice. Drawize also works great as an office game or an educational activity for the classroom!","DESC_S2":"To start one of our online drawing games, select the mode you want to play and start having fun! When you are the artist, choose the word and draw it as best you can!","DESC_S3":"For any questions or comments, please contact us at:","ABOUT_GAME":"About the game","ABOUT_S1":"Drawize is a fun online multiplayer drawing game where you draw and guess words. One player is the artist - when their turn starts, they get 3 words to choose from, and then they have to draw the chosen word. The other players try to guess what the artist is drawing.","GAME_MODES":"Game modes","MODE_QUICK":"you are the only player - guess drawings previously done by other players.","MODE_PRACTICE":"you are the only player - choose a word and practice drawing it.","MODE_OTHERS":"play with others - the artist is randomly selected from participating players.","MODE_FRIENDS":"draw with friends in a private room - share the room code with friends and start playing online.","MODE_CHALLENGE":"Every day there's one special word, known as the daily challenge! Draw it and compete with other players to earn the artist of the day title. Watch other players draw, and take note!","ALL_USERS_LEFT":"All players have left the game room","ANSWER_IS":"The answer is","ANSWER_WAS":"The answer was","ARTIST":"Artist","ARTIST_LEFT":"The artist left the game room","ARTIST_NOT_RESPONDING":"The artist didn't choose a word in time","ARTIST_SELECT_TERM":"You are the artist - please select a word to draw","ASK_PRACTICE_REPLAY":"Would you like to play another practice game?","AVATAR":"Avatar","BACK":"Back","BUCKET_SPECIAL":"The paint bucket is a special tool! You can buy it for #price coins, or get it for free if you invite a friend and they start playing the game.","BUCKET_SPECIAL_BROKE":"The paint bucket is a special tool! You can buy it for #price coins - you don't have enough right now - or get it for free when you invite a friend and they start playing!","BUY":"Buy","BUY_COLOR":"Buy a color","BUY_COLOR_BROKE":"You have to buy the selected shade to use it, but you don't have enough coins (it costs #price - you currently have #coins). Keep playing and you'll earn coins each time you level up!","BUY_COLOR_FOR_PRICE":"You've selected a locked shade. Buy it for #price coins!","BUY_COLOR_OR_ROW":"You've selected a locked shade. You can buy it for #price coins, or buy all locked shades of this color (#rLength colors) for #rPrice coins!","BUY_HINTS_FOR_PRICE":"Do you want to buy a hint for #price coins?","BUY_ONLY_SELECTED_COLOR":"Only buy the selected color","BUY_SELECTED_COLOR":"Buy the selected color","BUY_TOOL_BROKE":"You have to buy the selected tool to use it, but you don't have enough coins (it costs #price - you currently have #coins). Keep playing and you'll earn coins each time you level up!","BUY_TOOL_FOR_COINS":"You have to buy the selected tool to use it! Spend #price coins to buy this tool? (You currently have #coins coins.)","BUY_WHOLE_ROW":"Buy all shades","CLOSE":"Close","CANCEL":"Cancel","CHOOSE_AVATAR":"Choose an avatar","CHOOSE_AVATAR_CUSTOMIZE_LATER":"Select an avatar to get started! You can customize it on the next screen.","CLICK_TO_VOTE":"To vote for your favorite drawing(s), click on it - to cancel your vote, click again. You can vote for up to 3 drawings!","COINS":"Coins","COLOR_LOCKED":"Color locked","CONGRATS":"Congratulations","CONNECTING":"Connecting","CONNECTING_WITH_FACEBOOK":"Connecting with Facebook","CONNECTING_WITH_FRIEND":"Connecting with friend","CREATE":"Create","CREATE_AVATAR_NOW":"Create an avatar now","CREATE_NEW_AVATAR":"Create new avatar","CREATE_NEW_ROOM":"Create new room","JOIN_EXISTING_ROOM":"Join existing room","CREATING_FRIENDS_ROOM":"Creating private room...","DAILY_CHALLENGE":"Daily Challenge","DAILY_CHALLENGE_VOTING":"Daily Challenge Voting","DAILY_CHALLENGE_WINNERS":"Daily Challenge Winners","DIFF_WORDS_DRAWN":"Different words drawn","DIFF_WORDS_GUESSED":"Different words guessed","DRAW_IT":"Draw it","DRAW_AGAIN":"Draw again!","EDIT_EXISTING_AVATAR":"Edit existing avatar","ENTER_CODE_TO_JOIN":"Please enter a code to join the room","ENTER_NAME_FOR_ROOM":"Please enter a name for the new room","ENTERING_FRIENDS_ROOM":"Entering friends room","FETCHING_CHALLENGE_ENTRIES":"Fetching challenge entries","FETCHING_CHALLENGE_WINNERS":"Fetching challenge winners","FETCHING_WINNERS":"Fetching winners","FINISH":"Finish","GAME_ABORTED":"Game aborted","GAME_FINISHED":"Game finished","GAME_STATS":"Game stats","GET_BUCKET":"Get the paint bucket tool","GETTING_CHALLENGE_DATA":"Obtaining challenge data","INVITE_FRIENDS_W_CODE":"To play with friends, send them the room code:
#roomName","JOIN":"Join","LATEST_CHALLENGE_RESULTS":"Latest challenge results","LEAVE_ROOM":"Leave room","LEAVE_THIS_ROOM":"Leave this room","LEVEL":"Level","LOADING_AVATAR_IMAGE":"Loading avatar image","LOOKING_FOR_FRIENDS":"Looking for online friends; please wait...","LOOKING_FOR_PLAYERS":"Looking for other players; please wait...","MENU":"MENU","NAME":"Name","NEW_GAME":"New game","NO":"No","NO_AVATAR_FRIENDS":"You're about to play with friends, but you don't have an avatar. The game is more fun with avatars :)","NO_AVATAR_OTHERS":"You're about to play with others, but you don't have an avatar. The game is more fun with avatars :)","HINTS":"Hints","NO_COINS_FOR_HINT":"You don't have enough coins for a hint!","NO_HINTS":"No hints available for the current game!","NO_MORE_HINTS":"No more hints available for the current game!","NOT_NOW":"Not now","OFF":"OFF","OK":"OK","ON":"ON","ONLINE":"Online","PLAY_AGAIN":"Play again","PLAY_ANYWAY":"Play anyway","PLAY_WITH_FRIENDS":"Play with friends","PLAY_WITH_OTHERS":"Play with others","PLAYERS":"Players","PRACTICE":"Quick Draw","PREVIOUS_CHALLENGE_WINNERS":"Previous challenge winners","QUICK_GUESS":"Quick Guess","RECONNECTING":"Reconnecting","REQUESTING_GAME":"Requesting game","REWARDED_BUCKET":"Your friend just started playing - you get the paint bucket tool as a reward!","ROOM":"Room","ROOM_CREATED_WAITING_FOR_ARTIST":"Room created; waiting for the artist to choose a word","SAVING_YOUR_AVATAR":"Saving your avatar","SEE_ALL":"See all","SEE_ALL_AND_VOTE":"See all and vote!","SELECT_TERM":"Please select a word to draw!","SETTING_UP_YOUR_ACCOUNT":"Setting up your account","SETTING_UP_YOUR_COLOR":"Setting up your color","SETTING_UP_YOUR_ITEM":"Setting up your #item","SOUNDS":"Sounds","START_OVER":"Start over","SUBMITTING_ANSWER":"Submitting answer","SUBMITTING_YOUR_ENTRY":"Submitting your entry","TERM_CHOOSEN_STARTING_GAME":"Term chosen; starting game","TERM_GUESSED":"Term guessed","THIS_IS_CORRECT":"Correct!","TIME_ELAPSED":"Time elapsed","TIME_LEFT":"Time","TIME_LEFT_TO_VOTE":"Time left to vote:","TIME_LEFT_TO_PARTICIPATE":"Time left to participate:","TITLE":"Title","TODAYS_CHALLENGE":"Today's challenge","TOOL_LOCKED":"Tool locked","TRYING_TO_RECCONNECT_CHECK_CONNECTION":"Trying to reconnect...

Please check your internet connection.","USER_GUESSED_TERM":"#user guessed the right word: #term","USER_GUESSED_YOUR_DRAWING":"#user correctly guessed your drawing!","VOTING_OPEN_FOR_TODAYS_CHALLENGE":"Voting is open for yesterday's challenge!","WINNER_IS":"The winner is","WINNER":"Winner","WOULD_YOU_LIKE":"Would you like to","YES":"Yes","YOU_ONLY_PLAYER":"You are the only player in the room","YOU_WERE_INACTIVE":"You were inactive for a long time","YOUR_ANSWER_CORRECT":"Your answer is correct","WORD_TO_DRAW":"Word","MESSAGE_MAKE_SUBMISSION":"Click Draw it to enter a submission for today's challenge!","SHARE_YOUR_DRAWING":"Share your drawing","RETURN_TO_MENU":"Return to menu","AVATAR_SETUP_FINISHED":"Your avatar is all set up","AVATAR_SAVED_CHANGE_FROM_SETTINGS":"Your avatar is now saved! You can change it at any time in the settings.","PLAY_W_FRIENDS_TITLE":"Play with friends in a private room :)","PLAY_W_FRIENDS_S1":"If a friend already sent you a code, just click Join existing room, enter the code, and start playing.","PLAY_W_FRIENDS_S2":"If you're the first one, click Create new room. That will create a new room, and the room code will be shown. Send this code to your friends and start playing together!","CHALLENGE_S1":"Every day there's a special word, known as the daily challenge! Draw it and compete with other players to earn the artist of the day title.","CHALLENGE_S2":"The daily challenge is open for 24 hours. You can draw your entry for the challenge at any point in that time frame.","CHALLENGE_S3":"When the challenge ends, the next 24 hours is the voting phase. That's when all players get to vote for their favorite drawings.","CHALLENGE_S4":"When voting is over, you'll see who earned the artist of the day title, as well as how many votes your drawing got!","CHALLENGE_S5":"The best drawings will also be posted on our","FACEBOOK_PAGE":"Facebook page","HAPPY_DRAWING":"Have fun drawing!","YOU":"You","SAVE":"Save","REGISTER_TITLE":"Hi! Welcome to the super fun Draw and Guess game!","PLEASE_ENTER_NAME_TO_START":"Please enter your name to start:","PLEASE_ENTER_NAME":"Please enter your name","USERNAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY":"A username must be entered!","LOGIN_FACEBOOK_OR_NAME":"Log in using Facebook or enter your name","FB_LOGIN_ERROR":"An error occurred; please try again or enter your name.","ROOM_NOT_EXISTS":"A room with the code #code does not exist.","ENTER_NEW_CODE":"Enter new code","MAX_3_VOTES":"You can vote for a maximum of 3 drawings","ALREADY_VOTED_3":"You've already voted for 3 drawings. If you changed your mind, first withdraw your vote from a drawing you've voted for, and then vote for a new one.","SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG":"Something went wrong","AVATAR_NOT_SAVED":"Your avatar could not be saved successfully!","CANNOT_VOTE_YOURSELF":"You cannot vote for yourself","INVITE_FRIENDS_TO_VOTE":"But you can invite your friends to vote for you. Select one available sharing option and let your friends see and vote for your drawing!","REMOVE_VOTE":"Withdraw vote","VOTE":"Vote","NOT_VOTED_YET":"You haven't voted for any entries yet!","VOTE_REMOVED":"Your vote is withdrawn!","VOTE_SAVED":"Your vote is saved!","NO_ACTIVE_CHALLENGES":"No active challenges","YOUR_DRAWING":"Your drawing","MORE_FUN_WITH_FRIENDS":"The game is more fun with friends!","USE_BUTTONS_TO_INVITE_FRIENDS":"Use one of the share buttons below, or just copy and send the link to your friends!","BUCKET_REWARD_NOTICE":"If a friend starts playing, you'll be rewarded with the paint bucket tool!","SHARE_INVITE_USING":"Share an invite using:","INVITE_FRIEND":"Invite friend","VOTES":"Votes","YOUR_VOTES":"Your votes","APP_STORE_TEXT":"- Personalized avatars\n- Multiple game modes: quick draw, quick guess, or play with friends\n- Daily challenge: compete with all other players to be crowned winner for the day\n- Different brushes: pen, brush, spray, and paint bucket\nDraw and Guess is a fun online drawing game. Inspired by the well-known Pictionary game, this time it's right on your smartphone. \nIt's also a guessing game - you earn coins by guessing what other players are drawing! \nAll players start the game as Scribblers, but only the best will advance through the game and obtain the rank of Master! \nThe game supports multiple modes: you can guess or draw words for practice, play in a private room with friends, or be matched with random players from around the world. \nIn multiplayer mode, one player is selected as the artist. The artist gets 3 words to choose from, and then they have to draw the selected word. The other players try to guess what the artist is drawing. Whoever guesses the correct word first is the winner.","OR":"OR","INVITE_FRIENDS":"Invite friends","INVITE_MORE_FRIENDS":"Invite more friends","LANGUAGE":"Language","ENGLISH":"English","GERMAN":"German","PORTUGUESE":"Portuguese","ITALIAN":"Italian","FRENCH":"French","SPANISH":"Spanish","CROATIAN":"Croatian","RUSSIAN":"Russian","WAITING_FOR_FRIENDS":"Waiting for friends to join...","PLAY_W_FRIENDS_S1_MSG":"To start, click Create room. A room will be created, and you'll be able to invite friends you'd like to play with.","PLAY_W_FRIENDS_S2_MSG":"Friends you have selected will receive an invite, and if they are online and accept it, an online multiplayer game will start immediately. If you're stuck waiting for awhile, trying pinging them and remind them to join.","PLAY_W_FRIENDS_S3_MSG":"If none of your friends are available, you can always go back to the start screen and choose to play with others around the world!","YOUR_INVITE_LINK":"Your invite link","HI":"Hi","JOIN_ME_DAG":"Join me in Draw and Guess","JOIN_DAG":"Join Draw and Guess","SEE_MY_DRAWING":"Check out what I drew in Draw and Guess","WHAT_I_DREW":"See what I drew","OR_SEND_A_LINK":"Or send a link","LESSONS":"Lessons","HOW_TO_DRAW":"How to draw","LINE":"line","REPEAT_LINE":"recreate the line","TRY_AGAIN":"Try again","LINE_NOT_SIMILAR_ENOGUH":"the line is not similar enough","WE_HAVE_NEW_LESSON":"We have a new lesson for you","CARICATURE":"Caricature","PORTRAIT":"portrait","GRADE":"grade","STEP":"step","SUBMIT":"Submit","WOULD_LIKE_TO_SUBMIT_ENTRY":"Would you like to submit your drawing?","DISCARD":"Discard","WATCH_TUTORIAL":"Watch tutorial","INSTANT_BOT_TITLE":"Would you like to receive messages from us?","INSTANT_BOT_INTRO":"You can subscribe to our game bot. It will:\n\n \n\nWould you like to subscribe?","AUTO_USERNAME_MESSAGE":"You haven't provided a name, so we created one for you: #userName!\n
\nYou can change it now, or at any time in your profile settings. Enjoy the game!","CHANGE_IT_NOW":"Change it now","PLAY":"Play","VOTE_MIN_LEVEL":"You have to be level 3 or higher to vote. Keep playing to reach level 3!","CONFIRM_LEAVE_FRIENDS_ROOM":"Do you really want to leave the current private room?","CONFIRM_LEAVE_FRIENDS_ROOM_TITLE":"Leave current private room","LEAVE":"Leave","WAITING_FRIEND_ENTERED":"#friend has entered your private room! Hit play to start a new game with this friend right now!","WAITING_FRIEND_ENTERED_TITLE":"Play with friends now","NO_FRIENDS_SHORT":"No friends have joined. Ping them and remind them to join!

You can continue waiting here, or you can play with other online players while waiting - if any of your friends enters the room, we'll let you know, and you can start a game with them right away!","NO_FRIENDS_SHORT_TITLE":"Still no friends online","WAIT":"Wait","GAME_STARTS_WHEN_JOIN":"The game will start when one of your friends accepts the invite!","REPORT_USER":"Report user","REPORT_ARTIST":"Report artist","REPORT_DESC":"To report the artist, please click the reason for reporting them:","REPORT_LETTERS":"Writing letters/words","REPORT_INAPPROPRIATE":"Inappropriate drawings","REPORT_WRONG_TERM":"Wrong word","REPORT_POINTLESS":"Irrelevant drawing","THANK_YOU":"Thank you!","CONSIDER_REPORT":"Your report has been sent. We'll review it and take action if necessary. Thank you for making this game better for everyone :)","NEW_USERNAME_MESSAGE":"Your new username - #userName - has been saved!","NEW_USERNAME_TITLE":"You got a new name :)","REGISTER_TITLE_NEW":"Before starting, please enter your name or log in using Facebook!","WOULD_LIKE_TO_CANCEL_CHALLENGE":"Are you sure you want to abandon your current drawing for the daily challenge?","ABORT":"Abandon","CONTINUE_DRAWING":"Continue drawing","CONFIRM_CHALLENGE_EXIT":"Abandon your Daily Challenge entry?","CHALLENGE_MIN_LEVEL":"You have to be level 3 or higher to enter the Daily Challenge. Keep playing to reach level 3!","CHALLENGE_MIN_LEVEL_TITLE":"Get to level 3","CONFIRM_CHALLENGE_SUBMIT_TITLE":"Would you like to submit your entry?","CONFIRM_CHALLENGE_SUBMIT_TEXT":"Are you done drawing and ready to submit your challenge entry?","DC_AWARDS":"Daily Challenge achievements","USER_GUESSED_TERM_FASTER":"#user was a little bit faster: #term","FEEDBACK_TITLE":"We'd love to hear your feedback!","FEEDBACK_TEXT":"Congrats, #username - you've reached level #level! Would you mind helping us make the game better for everyone? How do you like our game?","FEEDBACK_GOOD":"I really enjoy it!","FEEDBACK_OK":"It's okay but needs improvement.","FEEDBACK_BAD":"Not a fan.","FEEDBACK_GOOD_DESKTOP_TEXT":"Thanks so much for your feedback :)
\n Like us on Facebook to stay in touch and connect with other players!","FEEDBACK_OK_ASK_FEEDBACK":"We're always trying to improve our game and make it more fun. Please tell us what you don't like and what we could do to make the game better:","FEEDBACK_BAD_ASK_FEEDBACK":"We're very sorry to hear that :( Let us know if you have any problems with the game or have experienced any bugs, along with what we can change to make the game better:","FEEDBACK_GOOD_ASK_FEEDBACK":"Please give specific feedback on how we can make the game even better, or include any other comments you might have for us:","FEEDBACK_SAVED_MESSAGE":"Thanks so much for your feedback. We're always trying to improve the game for everyone, so your comment is a big help in this process :)","THANKS_FOR_FEEDBACK":"Thanks a lot for the feedback!","FEEDBACK_GOOD_ANDROID_TEXT":"We're so glad you like our game :) Would you like to rate us on the Play Store to help other users discover and play Draw and Guess? ","FEEDBACK_GOOD_IOS_TEXT":"We're so glad you like our game :) Would you like to rate us on the App Store to help other users discover and play Draw and Guess? ","RATE_IT":"Rate it","FEEDBACK_GOOD_ASK_FEEDBACK_MESSAGE":"Could you also tell us what we can do to make the game even better, or do you have any other comments for us?","LEAVE_MESSAGE":"Leave message","GOOD_LUCK":"Good luck!","HURRY_UP":"Hurry up!","AMAZING":"Amazing!","NICE":"Nice!","CANT_UNDERSTAND":"I don't get it!","START_OVER_CHAT":"Start over!","EASY_ONE":"This is an easy one!","HARD_ONE":"This is a hard one!","THANK_YOU_CHAT":"Thank you!","PREPARING_NEXT_ROUND":"Preparing next round","ROUND_FINISHED":"Round #round finished","USER_IS_ARTIST":"#user is the artist","WAITING_FOR_ARTIST":"Waiting for the artist to choose a word","CHOOSING_NEW_ARTIST":"Choosing new artist...","CONGRATS_YOU_WON":"Congratulations - you won the game!","CONGRATS_SECOND":"Congratulations - you came in second!","CONGRATS_THIRD":"Congratulations - you came in third!","YOU_FINISHED_NTH":"You came in #nth!","ROOM_CREATED":"Room created","ROOM_JOINED":"Room joined","RUNNING_GAME_JOINED":"You've joined a game in progress","EVERYBODY_GUESSED":"Everyone guessed it!","TIME_ELAPSED_W_ANSWER":"The timer ran out - the answer was: #term","USER_GUESSED":"#user guessed it!","REGISTER_TITLE_AVATAR":"Please enter a name and choose an avatar","ARTIST_SKIPPED":"The artist skipped their turn!","SKIP":"Skip","DONT_HAVE_ANY_SUPERHINTS":"Continue playing to earn more bombs. You'll get some each time you level up, and you might win some as a daily bonus reward :)

Also, you can go to Drawize Shop after the game finishes, and use your coins to get bombs!","CANNOT_USE_SUPERHINT":"You don't have any bombs","CANNOT_RELOAD_TERMS":"Unable to load new words!","DONT_HAVE_ANY_RELOADS":"Continue playing to earn reloads. You'll get some each time you level up, and you might win some as a daily bonus reward :)","TIME_TO_CHOOSE_REWARD":"Time to choose your daily reward!","FIRST_TIME_BONUS_DESC":"We offer one gift every day - spin the boxes and try your luck today!","BONUS_DESC":"Your daily reward is ready - spin the boxes and try your luck today!","CONGRATS_YOU_WON_PRESENT":"Congratulations - you won #presentDesc","RETURN_TOMMOROW_FOR_MORE":"Your next daily bonus will be ready tomorrow :)","SPIN_THEM":"Spin them!","SPIN_IT_FIRST":"You have to spin the boxes before you can choose a gift!","CHOOSE_YOUR_PRESENT_WEB":"Click a box to choose and collect your gift!","CHOOSE_YOUR_PRESENT_MOBILE":"Tap a box to choose and collect your gift!","BOMBS":"Bombs","NEW_COLOR":"New color","SKIPS":"Skips","RELOADS":"Word Reloads","IT_IS_WEEKEND_CHOOSE_ONE_MORE":"Since it's the weekend, open one more and get another gift :)","WEEKEND_ACTION":"Don't miss out - on weekends you can open and collect two presents!","WEEKEND_ALSO_ACTION":"Tomorrow's still the weekend, so come back to open two boxes again!","CONFIRM_EXIT_TITLE":"Do you really want to leave the current game?","CONFIRM_EXIT_TEXT":"You'll lose all points and coins earned in the current game.","CONTINUE_PLAYING":"Continue playing","USE_SUPERHINT_DISABLED":"Cannot use bombs at the moment","WAIT_15_SECS":"Bombs can't be used in the first 15 seconds of the game!","INSTALL_ANDROID_TITLE":"Would you like to install our Android app?","INSTALL_ANDROID_OFFER":"

Hello, #userName - we see you're playing on an Android phone. You can install the Draw and Guess app to have it available all the time!


Plus, if you install it now, we'll give you 500 coins as a welcome bonus :)

","INSTALL_ANDROID_BUTTON":"Install","FEEDBACK_GOOD_INSTANT_TEXT":"We're so glad you like our game :) Want to share Draw and Guess with your friends?","JOIN_ME_DAG_PLAY":"Join me and play Draw and Guess","PLAY_DAG_HAVE_FUN":"Play Draw and Guess and have fun!","SHARE_YOUR_DRAWING_VOTE":"Share your drawing and invite friends to vote","LEADERBOARD":"Leaderboard","LEADERBOARDS":"Leaderboards","FETCHING_DATA":"Fetching data","WIN_STREAK":"Winning streak","LEADERBOARD_S1":"Here you can see the best players. Keep playing and climb to the top!","LONGEST_WINNING_STREAK":"Longest winning streak","ENTERED_STREAK_LEADERBOARD":"You just entered the Longest winning streak leaderboard. Keep playing and advance to the top (click the #iconDiv icon above to show the leaderboard).","PLAY_AND_CLIMB":"Play and climb to the top!","PLAY_TO_ENTER":"Play to enter the leaderboard!","PLAY_TO_STAY":"Play to stay on top!","NOT_RANKED_YET":"Not ranked yet","CONFIRM_EXIT_TEXT_STREAK":"You'll lose all points and coins earned in the current game, and your current winning streak will be erased.","LAST_7_DAYS":"Last 7 days","LAST_30_DAYS":"Last 30 days","ALL_TIME":"All time","GAMES_COUNT":"Games","POINTS":"Points","LONGEST_STREAK_DESC":"Every time you finish first, second, or third, your winning streak gets longer and you advance to the top of the list. If two players have a winning streak of the same length, the player with more points will be ranked higher! Be careful - if you finish behind 3rd place, your winning streak is erased and you have to start from the beginning. Also, if it's been more than 24 hours since your last game, your winning streak will be erased.","LAST_7_DAYS_DESC":"This leaderboard shows the best players in the last 7 days - players are ordered by total points earned.","LAST_30_DAYS_DESC":"This leaderboard shows the best players in the last 30 days - players are ordered by total points earned.","ALL_TIME_DESC":"This is our Hall of Fame - all points you've ever earned are totaled, so this list shows our best players ever.","LEADERBOARDS_FOOTNOTE":"* Points earned in private rooms are not counted in these lists - only those earned with random players online.","GAME_NOT_FINISHED_CHALLENGE":"Think you're fast enough to earn a spot in the top 3 and enter our longest winning streak leaderboard?","GAME_STILL_NOT_FINISHED":"Game not finished yet","NOT_READY_FOR_GAME":"If you're not ready to compete against random players yet, want to practice now and return to the competition later?","PRACTICE_DRAWING":"Practice drawing","YES_CONTINUE_PLAYING":"Yes, continue playing","LEAVE_GAME":"Leave game :(","GAME_NOT_FINISHED_CHALLENGE_NO_LB":"Think you're fast enough to earn a spot in the top 3?","ASK_SWITHC_FROM_GUESS":"Nice, you guessed correctly. If you're ready now, you can try your luck against other players - it's even more fun :)","ASk_SWITCH_FROM_PRACTICE":"Nice, you finished your drawing! If you're ready now, you can try your luck against other players - it's a lot of fun :)","PRACTICE_AGAIN":"Practice again","PLAY_ONLINE":"Play online","FINISHING_GAME":"Finishing game","CONNECTION_RECOVERED":"Connection recovered","GAME_CONTINUED_AFTER_LOST_CONNECTION":"A connection problem occurred; the game will now resume. Sorry for the interruption.","GAME_TERMINATED_AFTER_LOST_CONNECTION":"A connection problem occurred and the game could not be continued. You can start a new game now :)","DAILY_BEST_DESC":"This leaderboard shows the best players in the last 24 hours - players are ordered by total points earned.","DAILY_BEST":"Daily Best","WEB_PUSH_TITLE":"Would you like to receive messages from us?","WEB_PUSH_INTRO":"You can subscribe to our game bot, which will:\n\n \n\nWould you like to subscribe?","ENTERED_DAILY_LEADERBOARD":"Congrats! You just entered the Daily Best leaderboard. Keep playing to further improve your skills! ","PROGRESSED_DAILY_LEADERBOARD_G1":"Nicely done - you're getting better and better! Practice makes perfect!","PROGRESSED_DAILY_LEADERBOARD_G2":"Keep up the good work! Each new game helps you improve your drawing and guessing skills!","PROGRESSED_DAILY_LEADERBOARD_G3":"Nice job! Keep doing what you're doing!","PROGRESSED_DAILY_LEADERBOARD_500":"Congrats! You just entered the top 500! Drawing and guessing are great exercises for your brain!","PROGRESSED_DAILY_LEADERBOARD_300":"Amazing! You just entered the top 300! You're progressing so fast!","PROGRESSED_DAILY_LEADERBOARD_200":"Terrific! You just entered the top 200! It's crowded at the top, but you're pushing through!","PROGRESSED_DAILY_LEADERBOARD_100":"You're getting really good at this! You just entered the top 100! Keep honing your skills to achieve mastery!","PROGRESSED_DAILY_LEADERBOARD_10":"Congrats! You just entered the top 10! That's a huge achievement!","PROGRESSED_DAILY_LEADERBOARD_9":"Keep pushing - the top 3 is within your reach :)","PROGRESSED_DAILY_LEADERBOARD_3":"Congrats! You are now 3rd on the Daily Best leaderboard!","PROGRESSED_DAILY_LEADERBOARD_2":"Amazing! You are now 2nd on the Daily Best leaderboard!","PROGRESSED_DAILY_LEADERBOARD_1":"Terrific! You are now 1st on the Daily Best leaderboard! Rest up and return later to stay on top :)","WORD_LENGTH_NOT_REVEALED":"You can't buy letter hints while the word length is still unknown! This is revealed after 30 seconds have passed in the game.","CLICK_TO_SEND":"Click the send button below to submit your answer. You can also press Enter on your keyboard.","REGISTER_NEW_ACCOUNT":"Register account","REGISTER_NEW_ACCOUNT_DESC":"Register with Facebook or email to be able to log in on other devices and never lose your progress","PLEASE_ENTER_EMAIL":"Please enter a valid email address","PLEASE_ENTER_PASSWORD":"Please enter a password","PASSWORDS_NOT_MATCH":"Passwords don't match","CLICK_TO_CONFIRM":"Click to confirm","CONFIRM_EMAIL":"Confirm email address","REGISTRATION_SUCCESSFULL_FB":"Your registration using Facebook was successful!","REGISTRATION_SUCCESSFULL_EMAIL":"Your registration using email was successful!","REGISTRATION_SUCCESSFULL":"Registration successful","USER_ALREADY_REGISTERED_WITH_EMAIL":"The current user is already logged in using email","EMAIL_EXISTS":"This email address is already in use","EMAIL_NOT_REGISTERED":"This email address is not registered","EMAIL_SENT":"An email with instructions has been sent to your address","WRONG_EMAIL_OR_PASSWORD":"Wrong username or password","USER_ALREADY_REGISTERED_WITH_FB":"The current user is already logged in using Facebook","FB_ALREADY_USED":"This Facebook account is already in use","LOGIN":"Log in","LOGIN_DESC":"Log in to an existing Draw and Guess account","HAVE_ACCOUNT_LOGIN":"Already registered? Log in","DONT_HAVE_ACCOUNT_CREATE":"Don't have an account? Register","NOT_LOGGED_IN":"Not logged in","FACEBOOK_LOGIN":"Facebook login","PASSWORD_RESETTED":"The password was successfully reset. You can now use the new password to log in to your account.","PASSWORD_RESET_SUCCESSFULL_TITLE":"Password reset successful","RESET_TOKEN_NOT_VALID_OR_EXPIRED":"The link used is invalid or expired - please try again","TOKEN_EXPIRED":"The link used has expired - please try again","RESET_PASSWORD":"Reset password","RESET_PASSWORD_DESC":"Please enter a new password, then enter it again","FORGOT_PASSWORD":"Forgot password?","PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN":"Password forgotten","PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN_DESC":"If you don't remember your password, please enter the email address you used to register. We'll send instructions to reset your password.","OR_USING_EMAIL":"Or using email","REGISTER_REMINDER_TITLE":"Would you like to create an account?","REGISTER_REMINDER_TEXT":"You can sign up using email or Facebook so you'll never lose your progress.
Then you'll also be able to log in to your account on other devices.

Would you like to create an account now? (You can do so at any time in the settings.)","LOGOUT":"Log out","ROOM_NAME_CHANGED":"Room name changed successfully","ROOM_CODE_ALREADY_TAKEN":"This code is already being used for another room.","ROOM_CODE_CHANGED":"Room code changed successfully","PLEASE_ENTER_NEW_ROOM_CODE":"Please enter a new room code","ROOM_CODE_DESC":"This code will be used to invite other players to the game.","PLEASE_ENTER_NEW_ROOM_NAME":"Please enter the new room name","ROOM_NAME_DESC":"The room name is a friendly message that players will see when entering your room.","WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TO_REMOVE":"Would you like to remove this word: #term","CONFIRM_TERM_REMOVAL":"Remove selected word","ENTER_WORDS_TO_ADD":"Add your words","WORDS_TO_ADD_DESC":"Enter words to add to your custom words list. Enter one term per line.","ADD_WORDS":"Add words","WORDS_LIST":"Word list:","ROOM_CODE":"Room code","ROOM_NAME":"Room name","CUSTOM_WORDS":"Custom words","ROOM_SETTINGS":"Room settings","PLEASE_WAIT":"Please wait","CONFIRM_DISABLE_CUSTOM_WORDS":"Would you like to disable custom words for your room?","CONFIRM_ENABLE_CUSTOM_WORDS":"Would you like to enable custom words for your room?","DISABLE_CUSTOM_WORDS":"Disable custom words","ENABLE_CUSTOM_WORDS":"Enable custom words","LAST_TIME_PLAYED":"Last time played","ADD_MORE_WORDS":"Please add at least 5 words. If less then 5 words are added, the default words will be used.","YOUR_LATEST_ROOMS":"Your recent rooms","PLAY_W_FRIENDS_S3":"If you like, you can play using custom words in private rooms! In any room you've created, there will be a gear icon displayed next to the room name - click this to open room settings. There you can add custom words, as well as change the room code for your room.","CHANING_NAME_QUESTION":"We're looking for a new name for this game :) Which of the following names do you like best?","CHANING_NAME_TITLE":"Help us select a new name!","CHANGE_NAME_THANKS":"Thanks for voting! This will help us decide on the best option :)","CHANGE_NAME_THANKS_TITLE":"Thank you","ENTER_INSTAGRAM_USERNAME":"Please enter your Instagram username","INVALID_INSTAGRAM_USERNAME":"This user does not exist. Please check the spelling and try again.","CONNECT_INSTAGRAM_TITLE":"Connect your Instagram profile","CONNECT_INSTAGRAM_TEXT":"If you like, you can connect your Instagram profile. Once connected, other players will see a link to your Instagram profile next to your Daily Challenge entries! \n

\nWould you like to connect it now?","CONNECT_INSTAGRAM_ACTION":"Connect now","CONNECTED_INSTAGRAM_TEXT":"Your Instagram profile is now connected, and a link to your profile will be displayed next to your Daily Challenge entries!","CONNECTED_INSTAGRAM_TITLE":"Your Instagram profile is connected","CHANGE":"Change","DISCONNECT":"Disconnect","FOLLOW_US_INSTAGRAM":"Follow us on Instagram","YOU_GUESSED":"You guessed it!","GAME_ACTIVITY":"Game activity","ROUND_N_STARTED":"Round #rnd/#cnt started!","ROUND_N_JOINED":"Round #rnd/#cnt joined!","ARE_YOU_STILL_THERE":"Are you still there? Please click the button below to confirm!","ARTIST_REPORTED_FOR_REASON":"#username has reported the artist for this reason: #reason","ARTIST_KICKED":"Artist kicked","YOU_REPORTED_THE_ARTIST":"You have reported the artist","YOU_WERE_REPORTED_FOR_REASON":"You were reported for this reason: #reason","PLEASE_FOLLOW_RULES":"Please follow the rules","NOT_FOLLOW_DELETE":"Drawings that do not follow the rules will be deleted!","CONTEST_STARTS_AT":"Contest starts at:","PRIZE":"Prize:","DRAWING_SUBMITED_UNTIL":"Drawings can be submitted until:","CONTEST_RULES":"Contest Rules","VOTING_OPEN_UNTIL":"Voting opens when the contest starts, and it closes at:","VOTING_OPEN":"Voting open","VOTING_CLOSED":"Voting closed","CHALLENGE_STARTS_IN":"Starts in","VOTING_STARTS_IN":"Voting starts in","CONFIRM_PROMO_CHALLENGE_RESUBMIT_TEXT":"You can delete your existing drawing and create a new one, but doing so will also delete all votes for your current submission! Would you like to draw again?","CONFIRM_PROMO_CHALLENGE_RESUBMIT_TITLE":"Delete your existing drawing and make a new one?","PLEASE_ENTER_EMAIL_TITLE":"Please enter your email address","CHALLENGE_EMAIL_DESC":"You must enter a valid email address before entering the contest. We'll use it to provide important information about the contest, as well as to notify the winner.","ALLOW_NEWSLETTER":"Allow us to send the game newsletter occasionally","SUBMITTING_EMAIL":"Submitting email","SPECIAL_CHALLENGE":"Special challenge","SEE_THIS_DRAWING_CHALLENGE":"See this cool drawing challenge","VOTE_FOR_MY_DRAWING_CHALLENGE":"Vote for me in this drawing challenge","OPEN":"Open","HERE_IS_THE_LINK":"Here is your link:","SEND_TO_SHARE":"Send it anywhere to share","COPY":"Copy","LINK_COPIED":"Link copied to your clipboard","MISS_CONCATENATE":"#attempt is close! Try combining words.","MISS_SPLIT":"#attempt is close! Try splitting words.","MISS_SPELLING":"#attempt is close! Check your spelling.","INVITE_YOUR_FRIENDS":"Invite your friends","ADD":"Add","REMOVE":"Remove","ADBLOCK_MAY_NOT_WORK":"Drawize may not work properly with the ad blocker on. Please disable it and reload the page.","ADBLOCK_DISABLE_DIRECTIONS":"Click here for instructions on how to disable your ad blocker.","ROUNDS_3_20":"The round number must be in this range: 3 - 20","DURATION_45_600":"The round duration must be in this range: 45 - 600 seconds","GAME_DURATION":"Round duration (s)","ROUNDS_PER_GAME":"Rounds per game","CHANGE_GAME_DURATION":"Change single round duration","CHANGE_ROUNDS_PER_GAME":"Change rounds per game","START_GAME":"Start the game","ONLINE_FRIENDS":"Online friends","WAITING_USER_TO_START":"Waiting for #userName to start the game","YOU_SHOULD_START_GAME":"Click the button below to start the game","STARTING_NEW_GAME":"New game starting","ALREADY_GUESSED_TYPE_TO_CHAT":"You already guessed the word! Feel free to chat now.","REMOVE_SELECTED_ROOM":"Remove the selected room?","REMOVE_ROOM_FROM_THE_LIST":"Are you sure you want to remove the selected room from the list?","LOADING":"Loading...","PRIVACY_SETTINGS":"Privacy settings","MANAGE":"Manage","EVERYBODY_GUESSED_W_ANSWER":"Everyone guessed right - the answer was: #term","NO_ONLINE_USERS_WAIT":"No online users - please wait...","ONLINE_PLAYERS":"Online players","JOIN_AS_SPECTATOR":"Join as spectator","JOIN_AS_SPECTATOR_DESC":"Select this if you only want to watch the game, without participating.","WATCH":"Watch","LINK_FOR":"Link for","CONFIRM_DISABLE_ROOM_TEAMS":"Are you sure you want to switch off team mode for this room?","CONFIRM_ENABLE_ROOM_TEAMS":"Would you like to enable teams for your room?","DISABLE_ROOM_TEAMS":"Turn off team mode","ENABLE_ROOM_TEAMS":"Switch room to team mode?","EDIT_TEAM":"Edit team","ADD_TEAM":"Add team","TEAM_ADD_DESC":"Please enter the team name","CONFIRM_TEAM_REMOVAL":"Are you sure you want to remove the team?","ADD_MORE_TEAMS_WARNING":"Please add at least 3 teams to complete setup. Rooms with less than 3 teams will have classic gameplay.","WOLUD_YOU_LIKE_TO_REMOVE_THE_TEAM":"Are you sure you want to remove the team?","WAITING_FOR_ARTISTS":"Waiting for the artists to choose the word","CONGRATS_YOUR_TEAM_WON":"Congratulations - your team won the game!","CONGRATS_YOUR_TEAM_SECOND":"Congratulations - your team came in second!","CONGRATS_YOUR_TEAM_THIRD":"Congratulations - your team came third!","YOUR_TEAM_FINISHED_NTH":"Your team came in #nth!","CURRENT_TEAMS":"Current teams","WORD_CHOOSEN_WAITING_OTHERS":"Word chosen - waiting for other artists....","WAITING_FOR_USERS_TO_CONNECT":"Waiting for other users to connect","WAITING_FOR_USERS_TO_CONNECT_TEAM_MIN_M":"Waiting for other users to connect - each team needs at least #n players for the game to start.","YOUR_TEAM_TYPE_TO_CHAT":"This is your team drawing! Type here to chat.","PLEASE_SELECT_TEAM":"Please select your team","PLEASE_SELECT_TEAM_DESC":"Players in this game room are grouped into teams. Please select your team.","TEAM_USER_GUESSED":"Your teammate #user guessed it!","PROCESSING_IMAGE_PLEASE_WAIT":"Processing image - please wait","IMAGE_TOO_BIG_USE_SMALLER":"This image is too big - please select an image up to #nr MB.","UPLOAD_AVATAR":"Upload avatar","EVERYTHING_GUESSED":"Everything was guessed right!","TEAMS_DESC":"

Ideal for bigger groups with 12 or more people. If you enable this option, players will be grouped into teams, and players in a team must cooperate while competing with other teams.


In each round, one player from each team will be the artist, while the remaining players from all teams have to guess as many drawings as they can. When someone from a team guesses one drawing, it is considered guessed for all team members and they should switch to and guess drawings for other teams.


Have fun, support each other, and learn


Company events - Play at your company events, whether virtual or in-person, strengthen interpersonal relations, and practice teamwork while having fun.


Classroom - Have fun in school while learning or reinforcing lessons. Enable custom words to practice on the topic of interest.


You can enable custom words for your room. If you do this, you have to specify a list of words to use in your room.


When to use


With friends - Have fun with your friends, and choose words related to your group or common interests.


Classroom - Practice vocabulary and spelling or reinforce lessons by specifying words related to the topic of interest.


Company events - Play at your company events, whether virtual or in-person, and use words related to your products or company.


Please note: If you enable this, only words from the list will appear during games in the room.

\n\n\n","YOUR_TEAM_GUESSED":"Your team already guessed this drawing. Type to chat!","CLICK_TO_GUESS":"Click the drawing to guess","CHOOSE_YOUR_PLAN":"Select a plan","ENJOY_AD_FREE":"And enjoy an ad-free Drawize for you and your friends","PLAN_SUPPORTER_SHORT":"A fully ad-free experience for you","PLAN_SUPPORTER_BEST_FOR":"Individual use","PLAN_SUPPORTER_VALID_FOR":"1 year","PLAN_EVENT_SHORT":"An ad-free experience for you and everyone in your rooms","PLAN_EVENT_BEST_FOR":"One-time events such as company events, school events, and birthday parties","PLAN_EVENT_VALID_FOR":"7 days","PLAN_PRO_SHORT":"An ad-free experience for you and everyone in your rooms","PLAN_PRO_BEST_FOR":"Teachers, HR specialists, team leaders, and everyone regularly playing in a group","PLAN_PRO_VALID_FOR":"Subscription, billed quarterly","BEST_FOR":"Best for","VALID_FOR":"Valid for","REMOVE_ADS":"Remove ads","CURRENT_PLAN":"Current plan","FREE_WITH_ADS":"Free with ads","SUBSCRIBE":"Subscribe","SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG_SUB_CONTACT_US":"Something went wrong while configuring your subscription plan. Please contact us at","ERROR_OCCURRED":"Error occurred","UNTIL":"Until","RENEWS_ON":"Renews on","PROCESSING":"Processing","WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TO_CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION":"Are you sure you want to cancel your Drawize subscription?","YOU_WILL_ENJOY_BENEFITS_UNTIL_END":"If so, click Yes to proceed and your subscription will no longer be renewed. The subscription will remain active until the end of the purchased period.","DC_WEEKLY_INTRO":"Every week, one winner gets a Drawize PRO subscription FREE for 3 months!","DC_WEEKLY":"Daily Challenge Weekly Prize","DAILY_CHALLENGE_COMPETITION_DESC":"

We have a small reward for the top Daily Challenge player for the week!


All votes submitted throughout the week (for challenges started from Sunday through Saturday) will be added up, and the artist with the most votes will get a 3-month Drawize PRO subscription for FREE!


Drawize PRO gives you, along with your friends in your private rooms, a completely ad-free experience!


To learn more about ad-free Drawize plans, go to your account settings at any time (the gear icon in the top-right corner on the Drawize main screen), or click the button below.

","PLANS_MORE_CHOOSE":"For full plan details and purchase options, please click Upgrade on the settings screen, or click the button below to choose now!","DRAWIZE_PLANS_INTRO":"If you find ads annoying, you can choose one of the Drawize premium plans and enjoy ad-free gameplay, for you and for any players in your private rooms!","DRAWIZE_PREMIUM_PLANS":"Drawize Premium Plans","DC_WINNER_TEASER":"A weekly winner gets Drawize PRO free for 3 months!\nSee rankings","CHOOSE_NOW":"Choose now","SHOW_SETTINGS":"Show settings","REMOVE_FOR_PLAYERS":"Remove for players","ADS_FREE_GAMEPLAY":"Ad-free gameplay","ONLY_YOU":"Only you","COLLECTION":"Collection","AVATARS_COLLECTION":"Avatar Collections","AVATARS_COLLECTION_DESC_1":"Avatars are grouped into several collections. Choose a collection, then select the avatar you like best. After selecting one, you'll have the option to customize it to make it truly yours.","AVATARS_COLLECTION_DESC_3":"To see more info and choose the best plan for you, please go to your account settings.","AVATARS_COLLECTION_DESC_2":"The basic collection contains 170 avatars and is unlocked for everyone :) The other collections are unlocked with a Drawize Premium plan, or when you reach a certain level. When you choose a premium plan, you get a completely ad-free Drawize experience, plus access to all avatars!","AVATARS_COLLECTION_DESC_2_MOBILE":"The basic collection contains 170 avatars and is unlocked for everyone :) The other collections are unlocked when you reach a certain level.","LOCKED_COLLECTION_TITLE":"This collection is locked! Unlock with Drawize Premium.","LOCKED_COLLECTION_TITLE_NO_PREMIUM":"This collection is locked!","LOCKED_COLLECTION_MSG":"You can't choose an avatar from a locked collection. To unlock it, you'll have to purchase a Drawize Premium plan or wait for it to be unlocked at level #levelNr! See more info and select a plan in your account settings.","LOCKED_COLLECTION_MSG_MOBILE":"You can't choose an avatar from a locked collection. It will be unlocked for you at level #levelNr!","ALL_AVATARS_UNLOCKED":"All avatars unlocked","MONSTERS":"Monsters","ANIMALS":"Animals","BASIC":"Basic","UPGRADE":"Upgrade","CATS":"Cats","DOGS":"Dogs","ROBOTS":"Robots","PLAN_ACTIVE_NOW":"Your plan is now active!","PLEASE_REGISTER_ACCOUNT":"

Your plan is now active, but you have not created a Drawize account yet.


We highly recommend you register now using email or Facebook - then you can log in to your account from any device and be sure to never lose access to your account and purchased plan.

","REGISTER_NOW":"Register now","REGISTER_LATER":"Register later","WATCH_AD_UNLOCKED_SELECTED_AVATAR":"Or watch an ad to use the chosen avatar immediately!","WATCH_REWARDED_AD":"Watch an ad","WATCH_AD_DOUBLE":"Watch an ad to double your reward","WATCH_AD_OPEN_ANOTHER":"Watch an ad to open one more!","YOU_CAN_OPEN_SECOND_PRESENT":"You can open your second gift now!","YOUR_TURN":"Your turn","MULTI_ARTIST_SHORT_DESC":"In multi-artist mode, two players are artists in the same round, drawing the selected word together - turn by turn. One player chooses the word and then starts the drawing, but both artists will have to draw and finish it together.","MULTI_ARTIST_ENABLE_DISABLE":"If you'd like to play in multi-artist mode in some of your online games, turn this setting ON. If you prefer to always draw alone, set it to OFF.","MULIT_ARTIST_DESC_ADDITION":"Each turn lasts up to 15 seconds, or shorter if the artist spends all the \"ink\" designated for one turn. Basically, you can draw one bigger line or a few shorter lines in a single turn.","MULTI_ARTIST_TEAM_INTRO":"You can enable multi-artist mode along with team mode.","MULTI_ARTIST_TEAM_TITLE":"You have enabled multi-artist mode along with team mode.","MULTI_ARTIST_TEAMS_DESC":"Here's how it works. In team mode, each team has an artist in each round already (every team draws a different word - the other teams see all and have to guess it). And if you enable both multi-artist mode and team mode, there will be two artists in each team in each round (drawing the same word). We recommend you first become familiar with multi-artist and team modes separately, and then try them together once you're comfortable with each.","ARTIST_WITH_SELECT_TERM":"You and #otherUser are the artists - please select the word you'll draw together","USERS_ARE_ARTISTS":"#user and #otherUser are the artists","USER_IS_ARTIST_WITH_YOU":"You will be drawing with #user ","ARTIST_IS_CHOOSING_THE_WORD":"#user is choosing a word","MULTI_ARTIST":"Multi-artist","USER_IS_DRAWING":"#user is drawing","EDUCATORS_DISCOUNT":"We offer a 50% discount on Event and PRO plans for educators. Please email us at using your work email to claim a coupon code.","DRAWIZE_DOWNLOAD":"Drawize is available for download","ONLINE_DAG_TITLE":"Online Drawing and Guessing Games","ROUNDS_IN_GAME":"Rounds in game","GALLERY_LATEST_DRAWINGS":"Latest drawings","GALLERY_INTRO":"Here you'll find our best and latest drawings. All drawings in the Draw and Guess Gallery are made by our players competing in the Daily Challenge!","GALLERY_INTRO_SELECTION":"The best drawings are selected by our community. Every player gets 3 votes for each challenge - the drawing with the most votes is the daily winner!","GALLERY_CHALLENGE_DESC":"We have new challenges every day, so check back often and don't miss out on your daily dose of beautiful handmade drawings :) Each drawing comes with a video showing how it was made, which may help you learn how to draw different objects.","GALLERY_VOTING_OPEN":"Voting is open for the #word challenge","GALLERY_VOTING_OPEN_DESC":"This challenge is still open for voting. You can participate in voting if you're one of our players :) If not, start playing now to earn the right to vote in this and all upcoming challenges!","GALLERY_ACTIVE_CHALLENGE":"The current challenge is: #word","GALLERY_ACTIVE_CHALLENGE_DESC":"This challenge is open to enter for all our players! If you'd like to show off your drawing skills, start playing and compete in this Daily Challenge!","GALLERY_ENTER_AND_SUBMIT":"Play and submit your entry!","GALLERY_NOT_TRIED_DRAWIZE":"Haven't tried Drawize yet?","GALLERY_CONTACT":"Have a comment for us? Contact us at:","GALLERY_ALSO_AVAILABLE":"Also available on:","GALLERY_PLAY_AND_VOTE":"Play and vote!","GALLERY_DRAWING_BY_ARTIST":"Drawing of #word by #artist","GALLERY_DRAWING_BY_ARTIST_COLORED":"Drawing of #word by #artist","GALLERY_DRAWING":"drawing","GALLERY_BY":"by","GALLERY_SEE_ALL_WORD_DRAWING":"See all #word drawings!","GALLERY_BEST_AND_LATEST":"Best and latest drawings","GALLERY_DAILY_FRESH":"We have new daily drawings - check them out!","GALLERY_OTHER_COOL_DRAWINGS":"See other cool drawings","GALLERY_PLENTY_MORE":"And we have plenty more...","GALLERY_WORD_DRAWINGS":"#word drawings","GALLERY_BEST_WORD_DRAWINGS":"Our best drawings of #word","GALLERY_BEST_WORD_DRAWINGS_DESC":"If you're wondering how to draw such beautiful drawings of #word, open the drawing you like and hit play - each drawing comes with a video showing how it was drawn!","GALLERY_HOW_TO_DRAW":"How do you draw #word?","GALLERY_HOW_TO_DRAW_LONG":"We've hand-picked some video tutorials that may help you learn how to draw #word!\nAnd if you need more inspiration or tutorials, just open any of our drawings and watch how they were made.","WATCH_ON_YOUTUBE":"Watch on YouTube","GALLERY_MAIN_TITLE":"Drawize Gallery - See our best drawings and how-to videos!","GALLERY_MAIN_META_DESC":"See our latest daily drawings - the best drawings made by our best players! There is a how-to video for each drawing - use it to improve your drawing skills!","GALLERY_TERM_TITLE":"#word Drawing - Gallery and How to Draw Videos!","GALLERY_TERM_META_DESC":"See the best drawings of #word done by our users, and learn how to draw #wordGen by watching our hand-picked video tutorials!","GALLERY_ITEM_TITLE":"Drawing of #word by #artist - Drawize Gallery!","GALLERY_ITEM_META_DESC":"See the drawing of #word by #artist and watch how to draw it! And be sure to check out other drawings in the gallery!","PLAY_NOW":"Play online now","PLAY_NOW_HOME":"Play","HI_CHAT":"Hello 👋","USE_COLORS":"Try using colors 🌈","SHOW_MY_ENTRY":"Show my drawing ⇩","PRIVATE_ROOMS":"Private Rooms","PUBLIC_ROOMS":"Public Rooms","PRACTICE_TEXT":"Practice","NO_FRINEDS_ONLINE_PLAY_PUBLIC":"No friends? Play online","SWITCH_TO_PUBLIC_AFTER_FRIENDS":"Done playing with friends for now? You can play in public rooms anytime!","TOP_DAILY_PLAYERS":"Best Players Today","DELETE_ACCOUNT":"Delete account","DELETE":"Delete","DELETE_ACCOUNT_CONFRIM_TITLE":"Are you sure you want to delete your account?","DELETE_ACCOUNT_CONFRIM_TEXT":"This cannot be undone. Once your account is deleted, you won't be able to restore it! Make sure you really want to delete it.","DAILY_CHALLENGE_NO_TEXT":"Please note: This is a drawing challenge - your work should not contain any text. We may remove drawings that: contain text, do not represent the Daily Challenge topic, or are inappropriate in any way for all audiences.","ADVERTISEMENT":"Advertisement","GO_AD_FREE":"Go ad-free!","BIRTHDAY":"Birthday","YEAR":"Year","MONTH":"Month","AGE":"Age","PLEASE_SELECT":"Select...","PLEASE_SELECT_AVATAR_USERNAME":"Please choose an avatar and enter a username that will represent you in the game. Or you can let us choose randomly for you!","PLEASE_SELECT_AVATAR":"Please choose an avatar that will represent you in the game. Or you can let us choose randomly for you!","PLEASE_SELECT_USERNAME":"Please enter a username that will represent you in the game. Or you can let us choose randomly for you!","PLEASE_SELECT_AGE":"Please enter your age to continue!","CHOOSE_RANDOMLY":"Random choice","OWNER_DONT_DRAW":"Owner never draws","ONLY_OWNER_DRAWS":"Only owner draws","KICK_OUT_TITLE":"Please confirm","KICK_OUT_TEXT":"Are you sure you want to kick #user from the game?","USER_KICKED":"User kicked","BANNED_ROOM_REQUESTED_TITLE":"You were kicked from this room","BANNED_ROOM_REQUESTED_TEXT":"You were kicked from this room. We sent a request to the owner - you'll be able to play again once approved.","BANNED_ROOM_REQUESTED_TEXT_ASK_LATER":"You were kicked from this room. The room owner will need to give you permission to play again - try again in 5 minutes.","USER_ASKED_UNBAN":"
User #userName, who was kicked from the game, is requesting to join again. Allow them to play again?","USER_ASKED_UNBAN_TITLE":"Would you like to unban the user?","PREVIOUS_WEEK":"Previous week","DC_PREV_WEEK":"Previous week - Daily Challenge","XP_PROMOTION":"XP-PEN Promotion","XP_PROMOTION_D1":"In cooperation with XP-PEN we organize the Promotion of the all-new XP-PEN Deco Fun series graphics tablets! The promotion goes from May 10 until May 30, 2021. Each week during this period, XP-PEN will reward Drawize users in 2 categories, with a total of 4 tablets awarded each week!","XP_PROMOTION_D2":"The first category is for players in public rooms; every game counts - you collect points by playing in public rooms throughout the week. The top 3 players each week will get an XP-PEN graphics tablet :)","XP_PROMOTION_D3":"The second category is Daily Challenge; XP-PEN will reward the weekly winner with an XP-PEN graphics tablet. The winner is determined by the total number of votes for challenges submitted during the week, from Monday through Sunday!

Winners and the current week's rankings are shown on the leaderboard in the XP-PEN Promotion category!","XP_PROMOTION_D4":"Please read the Promotion rules here: Promotion Rules","XP_PEN_PROMO_INTRO":"Drawize, in collaboration with XP-PEN, has a promotion going for the new Deco Fun series of graphics tablets! XP-PEN will reward 4 Drawize users weekly, over a span of 3 weeks, with their brand-new Deco Fun tablets!","XP_PEN_PROMO_INTRO_2":"You can win them either by playing in public rooms with other players (3 tablets awarded each week), or through the Daily Challenge (1 tablet each week), for 3 weeks! If you'd like to enter the promotion and have a chance to win, please enter your email address, and then read and accept the promotion rules! ","XP_PEN_PROMO_RULES_CHECKBOX":"I have read and agree to the Promotion Rules","ENTER_PROMOTION":"Enter Promotion","CONGRATS_ENTERED_XP_PROMOTION":"Thanks for entering the Drawize XP-PEN promotion!","CONGRATS_ENTERED_XP_PROMOTION_2":"Now you've got a chance to win excellent new Deco Fun graphics tablets. Have fun competing with other players! The winners will be announced on our Facebook page, and current and previous week rankings are available on the leaderboards screen in the XP-PEN Promotion category!","PLEASE_ACCEPT_TERMS_AND_ENTER_EMAIL":"Please accept the promotion rules and enter your email address","prev_week_xp":"Last week's final results for Public Rooms (#dateRange, Pacific Time)","this_week_xp":"This week's current results for Public Rooms (#dateRange, Pacific Time)","dc_prev_week_xp":"Last week's final results for Daily Challenge (#dateRange, Pacific Time)","dc_this_week_xp":"This week's current results for Daily Challenge (#dateRange, Pacific Time)","THIS_WEEK":"This week","PREV_WEEK":"Last week","WORD_TO_DRAW_IS":"The word to draw is:","RULES":"Rules:","NO_TEXT":"Do NOT write any TEXT in your drawing","BE_POLITE":"Be courteous - do NOT draw any obscene, violent, or offensive content","VIOLATE_REMOVE":"Any drawings that violate the rules will be removed!","CURRENT_STANDINGS":"Current Standings","LIST_EMPTY":"List empty","CHECK_AGAIN_LATER":"Check again later","DC_WINNER_TEASER_XP":"Weekly winners will get an XP-PEN graphics tablet! See more info and enter the promotion.","PPROMOTION_NOT_AVAILABLE":"Promotion not available in certain territories, including: South America, Middle East, Africa, and India.","TWITCH_CHAT_TO_GUESS":"Use chat to guess drawings and get to the top of the Viewers Leaderboard!","TWITCH_CHAT_TO_CHOOSE_WORD":"You're in charge - use chat to vote and decide what the streamer will draw!","TWITCH_EMPTY_LEADERBOARD":"Guess via the stream chat to appear here :)","TWITCH_WHAT_TO_DRAW":"What would you like #streamer to draw?","YOUR_VOTE_RECORDED_WAIT_FOR_VIEWERS":"Your vote has been recorded - still collecting other viewers' votes...","PROBLEM_TWITCH_INTEGRATION":"It seems you haven't connected your Twitch account, or the authorization has expired. Please connect your Twitch account so your viewers can participate in your stream.

Once the account is connected, viewers will be able to make guesses in the stream chat and vote on what you'll draw when it's your turn!","CONNECT_TWITCH":"Connect Twitch","CHECK_AGAIN":"Check again","PROBLEM_TWITCH_CONTROLLER":"We encountered a problem with the Twitch integration on our side. Please try again.","STREAM_NOT_ONLINE":"Integration was successful, but your channel is not online with Drawize. Please make sure your stream is live and Drawize is selected as the current game, then check again!

\nNeed more info about Drawize Stream? Click here!","CONNECT":"Connect","RECONNECT":"Reconnect","STREAMING_MODE":"Streaming Mode","STREAMING_MODE_DESC1":"Streaming mode is designed to help you stream your gameplay for viewers. When this is enabled, we'll hide the room code for the room you're playing in - so you don't need to worry about uninvited players entering your room. (You can unhide it anytime by clicking on the hidden text displayed as ***.)\n","STREAMING_MODE_DESC2":"If you're using Twitch, we highly recommend connecting your Twitch account. When you do so, your viewers will be able to guess words through the interactive chat on Twitch, as well as vote on your next drawing - making the game more fun for you and your viewers!\n

\nPlease note: Twitch streaming integration is not reserved for private rooms - you can also play in public rooms and have your audience guess through the chat and vote on what you're going to draw.","STREAMING_MODE_DESC3":"An added bonus is that anytime you stream your gameplay on Twitch, all ads will be hidden, so your gameplay will be completely uninterrupted!","STREAMING_MODE_DESC3_2":"Note: Please allow 30 seconds after you start streaming Drawize for us to detect that your channel is live and fully set up your streaming screen.

\nMore details and the Drawize Streaming FAQ can be found in this blog post!","STREAMING_MODE_DESC4":"To enable streaming mode and connect your Twitch account, please go to the game settings.","TWITCH_CONNECTED_MSG":"Congratulations - you have successfully connected your Twitch account. Now you can start streaming Drawize as your viewers play along.

\nBe sure to read the blog post on Drawize streaming to learn more about the integration.\n

If you have any feedback or ideas on improving Drawize streaming, please let us know at","TWITCH_CONNECTED_TITLE":"Twitch account connected successfully!","READ_MORE":"Read more","STREAMING_MODE_WAIT_DESC1":"Streaming mode is currently enabled! Your room code will appear as *** to make sure you don't accidentally share your room code with all viewers.","STREAMING_MODE_WAIT_DESC2":"However, if you'd like to invite everyone in your audience to play with you directly on Drawize, click **** to reveal the actual text behind it. (If you click on your room link, the link will be displayed and copied to your clipboard - so you can paste it to your stream chat.)","STREAMING_MODE_WAIT_DESC3":"If you'd like to invite someone else or only part of your audience, then make sure you don't reveal your room code in your live stream (prepare your room and invite people before you start streaming, or temporarily hide Drawize from the stream while you reveal and copy your room code).","STREAMING_MODE_ACTIVE":"Streaming mode active","PROMOTION_FINISHED":"The promotion ended","PLAY_AGAIN_BY_PLAYER":"#user wants to play again!","GAME_ACTIVITY_AND_CHAT":"Game activity and chat","SUPERHINT_TIP":"Click the bomb icon below for help. This will blow up all unnecessary letters - only those needed to guess the word will remain on the keyboard.","ENTRIES":"Entries","GAMES":"Games","START":"Start","PTS":"PTS","XP":"XP","SCRIBBLER":"SCRIBBLER","DOODLER":"DOODLER","CARTOONIST":"CARTOONIST","MASTER":"MASTER","ROOM_LEADERBOARS":"#roomName Leaderboards","RESET_LEADERBOARDS":"Reset leaderboards","WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TO_RESET_LEADERBOARDS":"Would you like to reset room leaderboards?","RESET_WILL_DELETE_PREVIOUS_DATA":"Resetting leaderboards will delete all previous results for this room. Leaderboards will be showing only points collected after the reset.","RESET":"Reset","SHARE_THE_LINK":"Share the link","SHARE_LINK_USING":"Share link using:","SWITCH_TO_FRIENDS_AFTER_PUBLIC":"Done playing with friends for now? You can play in public rooms anytime!","EDIT":"Edit","EDIT_AVATAR_TITLE":"Would you like to personalize your avatar?","EDIT_AVATAR_TEXT":"You can edit your avatar and make it truly yours (using all the tools and colors in the game). You can access the avatar editor anytime from the Drawize settings (click the gear icon on Drawize home to open settings!

Would you like to customize your avatar now?","CLICK_TO_PERSONALIZE_AVATAR":"Click to personalize your avatar!","TIRED_OF_ADS":"Tired of ads?","COLLECTED":"Collected","AVAILABLE":"Available","NEXT_IN":"Next in","COLLECT_NOW":"Collect Now!","PIECES_COLLECTED":"Pieces collected: #revealed/#pieces","SOLVE_NOW":"Solve now!","PLAY_TO_COLLECT_ALL_PIECES":"Play to collect all pieces!","NOT_SOLVED_YET":"Not solved yet!","CONGRATS_PUZZLE_SOLVED":"Congratulations, you just solved the puzzle!
The word was: #word","DRAWIZE_PUZZLES":"Drawize Puzzles","DRAWIZE_PUZZLES_D1":"Drawize Puzzles are here to make playing Drawize even more fun for you. While you play any of the main Drawize game modes (private rooms, public rooms, or quick guess), you collect pieces of a Puzzle. Once you collect all the pieces, go ahead and solve the puzzle!","DRAWIZE_PUZZLES_D2":"While playing in multiplayer modes (in private or public rooms), you can get up to 4 pieces of the puzzle per game (4 pieces for the first place, 3 pieces for the second, 2 pieces for the third, and one piece for 4th and lower places). You also get one piece for each Quick Guess game you finish successfully!","DRAWIZE_PUZZLES_D3":"You can access your Puzzles at any time from the Drawize main screen, and you can solve the same puzzle again if you wish (just click the desired puzzle to select it!)","DRAWIZE_PUZZLES_D4":"You just got one whole Puzzle as a welcome gift for trying Drawize. Go ahead and solve it, have FUN!","PUZZLES":"Puzzles","DAILY_BONUS":"Daily Bonus","CURRENT":"Current","BEST":"Best","TO_SOLVE":"To solve:","DAILY_ACTIVITY":"Daily Activity","DAILY_ACTIVTY_BADGES_DESC":"Your Drawize activity streak. Return daily to increase your personal best!","GUESSED_WORDS_BADGES":"Words Collection - Guess","GUESSED_WORDS_BADGE_DESC":"Guess as many as possible different words and earn badges ","DRAWN_WORDS_BADGE":"Words Collection - Draw","DRAWN_WORDS_BADGE_DESC":"Draw as many as possible different words and earn badges","DRAWIZE_BADGES":"Drawize Badges","DRAWIZE_BADGES_D1":"Here you will find recognition for your what you have accomplished in Drawize.","DRAWIZE_BADGES_D2":"The first category is Daily Activity - it is your continuous activity streak. Each day you return to Drawize, the streak grows! If you miss a day, the streak will start again from Day 1.","DRAWIZE_BADGES_D3":"The second category is words you guess during gameplay. Each different word you guess in any Drawize game (public rooms, private rooms, or Quick Guess) counts! You will be rewarded with a badge when you reach some important milestones!","DRAWIZE_BADGES_D4":"The third category is words you draw during gameplay. To be counted, at least one other player must guess what you are drawing - so, only the words you have drawn and someone guessed in multiplayer game modes are counted (public and private rooms).","DRAWIZE_BADGES_D5":"We wish you a lot of fun and a full shelf of badges!","EMPTY_BADGES":"This collection is empty. Play to earn new badges!","YOUR_DAILY_DASHBOARD":"Your Daily Dashboard","STREAK_AND_BADGES":"Streak and Badges","NEW_BADGES":"New Badges","DAYS_ACTIVE":"Days active","NOT_RANKED_SHORT":"N/A","WELCOME_BONUS":"Welcome Bonus","AVAILABLE_IN":"Available in","CLICK_TO_START_SOLVING":"Click any puzzle below to choose it and start solving!","Loading advertisement":"Loading puzzle, please wait...","PLAY_TO_COLLECT":"Play to collect pieces","COLLECT_BY_PLAYING":"You collect pieces of the puzzle while playing one of Drawize main games modes. You can play now and collect missing pieces!

How would you like to play?","PLAY_NOW_SHORT":"Play now","NOT_COLLECTED_PLAY":"You haven't collected all the pieces of this puzzle yet. Play Now to collect missing pieces!","OPEN_PUZZLES":"Open puzzles!","SEE_BADGES":"See badges!","SHOW_LEADERBOARDS":"Show leaderboards!","COLLECT_BONUS":"Collect bonus!","BONUS_NOT_YET_AVAILABLE":"Bonus not ready yet","BONUS_NOT_YET_AVAILABLE_TEXT":"Your daily bonus is not ready to collect yet. It will be available in #timeToBonus! Please return later to collect it!","SOLVE_FIRST_PUZZLE":"Congrats! You have unlocked your first Puzzle! Can you solve it? (click to start)","DISCONNECT_TWITCH_ACCOUNT":"Disconnect account","WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TO_DISCONNECT_YOUR_TWITCH_ACCOUNT":"Would you like to disconnect your Twitch account? You can reconnect it any time later.","DISCONNECT_INSTAGRAM_ACCOUNT":"Disconnect account","WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TO_DISCONNECT_YOUR_INSTAGRAM_ACCOUNT":"Would you like to disconnect your Instagram account? You can reconnect it any time later.","NOT_CONNECTED":"Not connected","VOTING":"Voting","DAILY_VOTING":"Daily Voting","PLEASE_CONFIRM":"Please confirm","REALLY_WANT_EXIT":"Do you really want to exit the game?","OR_INVITE_YOUR_STEAM_FRIENDS":"Or invite your Steam friends","CHOOSE_FRIENDS":"Choose friends","TIME_LEFT_CHALLENGE":"Time left","JOIN_ROOM":"Join room","CREATE_ROOM":"Create room","WANT_TO_STREAM":"Want to
Stream?","DRAW_AND_GUESS":"Draw and Guess","PLAY_NOW_NEW_DESIGN":"Play
Challenge","ITEM_COLLECTOR_BADGES":"Unlock all tools and colors","ITEM_COLLECTOR_BADGES_DESC":"Play, earn coins and unlock all tools and colors","TOP_DAILY_SCORE_BADGES":"Climb to the top","TOP_DAILY_SCORE_BADGES_DESC":"Play and climb to the top of the Daily Best leaderboard","STEAM_AD_FREE":"You can get Drawize on Steam and play it completely ad-free on your Windows PC!","BUY_TOOLS_AND_MORE":"Get new tools, colors, and more","SHOP":"Shop","DRAWIZE_SHOP":"Drawize Shop","TOOLS":"Tools","SHOP_TOOLS_DESC":"Get new tools and make drawing easier","COLORS":"Colors","SHOP_COLORS_DESC":"Get additional colors","SHOP_BOMBS_DESC":"Get more bombs to help you guessing","SHOP_RELOADS_DESC":"Get word reloads for more drawing choices","SHOP_AVATAR_COLLECTION_DESC":"Unlock avatar collections to get new avatars","PACK_1":"1 item","PACK_NR":"#nr items","SPEND_GAME_COINS":"Use your coins earned through the game to get some fantastic new items","CONFIRM_YOUR_CHOICE":"Confirm","WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TO_BUY_TOOL_FOR_COINS":"Would you like to buy #tool for #price coins?","BUY_BOMB_PACK":"Would you like to buy #count bombs for #price coins?","BUY_BOMB_SINGLE":"Would you like to buy a single bomb for #price coins?","BUY_RELOAD_PACK":"Would you like to buy #count world reloads for #price coins?","BUY_RELOAD_SINGLE":"Would you like to buy a single word reload for #price coins?","UNLOCK_AVATAR_COLLECTION":"Would you like to unlock #avatarType avatars collection for #price coins?","BUY_SINGLE_COLOR":"Would you like to buy selected color for #price coins?","SUCCESSFULL_SHOP_TRANSACTION":"Your purchase was successfull!

You have #nr coins left!","NOT_ENOUGH_COINS_GENERAL":"This item costs #price coins, but you have only #coins coins left! You can earn more coins by playing the game, then return here to get desired items :)","NOT_ENOUGH_COINS_GENERAL_WITH_AD":"This item costs #price coins, but you have only #coins coins left! You can earn more coins by playing the game, then return here to get desired items :)

You can also earn some coins (100) by watching an ad!","WARNING":"Warning","NO_ADS_TO_WATCH":"There are no ads to watch at the moment. Please check back later :)","EARN_COINS":"Earn coins","EARCN_COINS_DESC":"Watch an ad to earn some coins","ALREADY_OWNS":"You already own this item!","COINS_GRANTED":"You just earned 100 coins!

You now have a total of #amount coins!","WATCH_AD":"Watch an ad","DRAWIZE_SHOP_D1":"Welcome to Drawize Shop. Here you can spend the coins earned through the game to get some exciting new items to make your Drawize experience even better!","DRAWIZE_SHOP_D2":"Items are grouped in several categories: tools, colors, bombs, word reloads, and avatar collections. If you do not have enough coins for every item you wish at the moment - don't worry: you earn coins while you play Drawize. So, if you don't have enough right now, go and play, then return to the shop and obtain the item you wish","DRAWIZE_SHOP_D3":"There is also another way to earn some coins - you can watch an ad in exchange for coins; you will get 100 coins for each ad.","VISIT_SHOP_WITH_AMOUNT":"You have already collected #amount coins. You can use your coins in the Drawize Shop to get new drawing tools, colors, avatars, bombs and word reloads.

Would you like to visit Drawize Shop now?","USER_ALREADY_REGISTERED_WITH_APPLE":"The current user is already logged in using Apple ID","APPLE_ALREADY_USED":"This Apple ID is already in use","CONNECTING_WITH_APPLE":"Connecting with Apple","REGISTRATION_SUCCESSFULL_APPLE":"Your registration using Apple ID was successful!","SECOND_ROUND_INVITE":"Warm-Up Done, Now the Fun! Experience why most players find round two even more amusing. Keep the game going!","NEXT_ROUND_INVITE_1":"More laughs just ahead! Don't miss out – your next masterpiece is waiting.","NEXT_ROUND_INVITE_2":"The adventure continues! Stay in the game for even more fun and surprises","NEXT_ROUND_INVITE_3":"Don't stop now! There's always something new in the next round. Dive back in!","NEXT_ROUND_INVITE_4":"Just when it gets better! Stick around for more excitement and challenges.","NEXT_ROUND_INVITE_5":"Don't let the fun stop now – more exciting rounds await! What will you create next?","NO_ADS_TITLE":"No More Ads!","NO_ADS_TEXT":"

Have fun, ditch ads!

Seems like you're enjoying the game, but those annoying ads are ruining the fun! We don't like them either, but they're the only way we can keep Drawize free.

\nWe offer an option to play completely ad-free for a small fee, and right now we're offering you a 50% discount! Play ad-free for just USD 4.49 (USD 8.99).","NO_ADS_BUTTON_TEXT":"Yes, please","NO_ADS_REJECTED_TITLE":"Remove ads","NO_ADS_REJECTED_TEXT":"You can change you mind anytime - just go to your Drawize Settings to see upgrade options.

\nThis special offer to save #amount% and play without anoying ads is available to you the for next #hrs hours!","CLAIM_DISCOUNT":"Claim discount!","AD_FREE_MORE_BODY":"

Want to take your Drawize game to the next level? Upgrading to premium lets you ditch the ads and enjoy a truly uninterrupted gameplay experience. Here's what you get:


Upgrade in the next #hrs hours and save #percent%





","AD_FREE_MORE_TITLE":"Play without ads!","TELL_ME_MORE":"Tell me more","UPGRADE_NOW":"Upgrade now","AD_FREE_LEVEL5_TITLE":"Level Up Your Drawize Experience! 🎉","AD_FREE_LEVEL5_TEXT":"Congrats on reaching Level 5! To celebrate, enjoy ad-free play for #percent% off. Focus on the game, not those pesky ads!

Claim your discount now! Play ad-free for just USD 2.7 (USD 8.99) - You save USD 6.29!","AD_FREE_LEVEL5_BTN":"Unlock Your Reward","LOADING_AD":"Loading advertisement","COPY_CAT_MESSAGE":"Take a good look now, but remember, you can check the image again during the game. You have a total of #viewTime seconds for viewing, but you’ll have plenty of time to draw, so use your viewing time wisely!","MEMORIZE_THIS_IMAGE_IN":"You’ve Got #viewTime seconds in Total to Memorize – Make Them Count!","COPYCAT_VIEWING_TIME_SPENT":"You have spent all your viewing time for the current game! You have to continue drawing from your memory. Good Luck!","COPYCAT_STAR_RATING":"Got #stars stars on my drawing! How about you?","YOUR_DRAWINGS":"Your drawings","SHARE_PREVIOUS_DRAWINGS":"Share your previous drawings with friends","CHOOSE_YOUR_GRADER":"Choose your grader","YOUR_GRADER":"YOUR_GRADER","CHOOSE_YOUR_GRADER_DESC":"Please choose who will grade your work","COPYCAT_WAIT_TITLE_GRACE_1":"Hang Tight! Your Artwork is Getting a Thoughtful Review","COPYCAT_WAIT_TITLE_GRACE_2":"Hold On! Your Drawing is Under a Gentle Assessment","COPYCAT_WAIT_TITLE_GRACE_3":"Stay Tuned! Your Masterpiece is Being Carefully Evaluated","COPYCAT_WAIT_TITLE_GRACE_4":"Almost There! Your Creation is Being Reviewed with Care","COPYCAT_WAIT_MSG_GRACE_1":"Grace is almost ready with some kind words and helpful advice. Remember, every drawing is a step forward! Keep an open mind and get ready to see how you can grow!","COPYCAT_WAIT_MSG_GRACE_2":"Just a bit longer! Grace is looking over your drawing with her usual gentle touch. Whether it’s praise or a suggestion, she’s here to help you improve and have fun!","COPYCAT_WAIT_MSG_GRACE_3":"Hang in there! Feedback is on its way. Grace believes in positive reinforcement, so you’ll always leave with a smile and some tips for next time.","COPYCAT_WAIT_MSG_GRACE_4":"Grace is almost done with her thoughtful review. Get ready for some encouraging feedback that’ll inspire you to keep going!","COPYCAT_WAIT_TITLE_REX_1":"Brace Yourself! Your Artwork is Undergoing a Sharp Review","COPYCAT_WAIT_TITLE_REX_2":"Hang On! Your Drawing is Getting a Bold Critique","COPYCAT_WAIT_TITLE_REX_3":"Stay Tuned! Your Masterpiece is Facing a Tough Evaluation","COPYCAT_WAIT_TITLE_REX_4":"Almost Done! Your Creation is Getting a Frank Assessment","COPYCAT_WAIT_MSG_REX_1":"Rex is almost ready with his verdict. Get ready for some bold insights—he’s known for his honesty! It might sting a bit, but it’s all in good fun and meant to help you improve.","COPYCAT_WAIT_MSG_REX_2":"Just a bit longer! Rex is examining your drawing with a critical eye. Expect some straightforward feedback, but remember, it’s all part of the game!","COPYCAT_WAIT_MSG_REX_3":"Hang tight! Rex is finishing up his review. His comments might be sharp, but they’re sure to give you a laugh and maybe a few ideas for next time.","COPYCAT_WAIT_MSG_REX_4":"Rex is wrapping up his critique. Prepare yourself for some unfiltered feedback, delivered with a wink—he’s all about keeping it real and having fun!","GRADER":"Grader","COPYCAT_FINISHED_CONFIRM":"Are you sure you have finished the game and are ready to be graded?","CLOSE_AND_PLAY":"Close & Play","COPYCAT_OVERLAY_NOTICE_TITLE":"Share Your Achievement!","COPYCAT_OVERLAY_NOTICE_TEXT":"

Welcome to CopyCatAI, your new drawing challenge in Drawize! In this mode, you’ll progress through chapters by replicating drawings as closely as possible. But that’s not all—your artwork will be judged by two AI critics:


Who will judge your art?

\n \"Grace\n

Grace Gentle 😇


Sweet and encouraging, she’ll always cheer you on!

\n \"Rex\n

Rex Roast 😈


Sharp and witty, his feedback can be as spicy as your drawings!


How to Play


Each chapter includes multiple drawing challenges. To unlock the next challenge, you’ll need to score 4 or 5 stars on each drawing. Pay close attention to the template and do your best to replicate it!


How It Works:


Skip Tokens: Every day, you receive 3 Skip Tokens, which can be used to skip a challenge even if your score is lower than 4 stars. Use them wisely to keep progressing!


Good luck, and enjoy your journey through CopyCatAI! Let's see how far your drawing skills can take you.

\n","CC_SHARE_PROMPT":"Share your drawing and #graderName’s comment!","CC_SHARE_TITLE":"Look at my #score stars in CopyCatAI! 🎨 #Drawize","CC_SHARE_TEXT":"#funnyComment Can you do better? Try it yourself at #Drawize! #CopyCatAI #FunWithFriends","REX_CHAT_INVITE_ALL":"Ready to step up your game? 👊 Join CopyCatAI and show me if you can replicate a drawing as well as you guess them! I’m watching… 😈","GRACE_CHAT_INVITE_ALL":"How about a new challenge? 🚀 Join me in CopyCatAI and show off your memory skills by replicating drawings! I’m excited to see what you’ll create!","COPYCAT_TRY_PROMO_MSG":"Try something new and challenge yourself with CopyCatAI!","COPYCAT_TRY_PROMO_BUTTON":"Try CopyCatAI","COPYCAT_AI_WELCOME":"Welcome to CopyCatAI! Your goal is to replicate the given drawing as closely as possible—don’t try to make it better, just focus on matching it exactly. First, study the template carefully, then try to recreate it. During the game, you can click the eye icon to take another look at the template. Your artwork will be judged by two AI personalities:","COPYCAT_AI_JUDGES_INTRO":"Who will judge your art?","GRACE_NAME":"Grace Gentle 😇","GRACE_DESC":"Sweet and encouraging, she’ll always cheer you on!","REX_NAME":"Rex Roast 😈","REX_DESC":"Sharp and witty, his feedback can be as spicy as your drawings!","COPYCAT_AI_WISH":"We wish you lots of fun and creativity as you take on the CopyCatAI challenge! Enjoy the game!","CHOOSE_GRACE":"Choose Grace","CHOOSE_REX":"Choose Rex","CHOOSE_GRACE_DESC":"Your friendly art guide, always here with a kind word and helpful advice!","CHOOSE_REX_DESC":"The sharp-tongued critic who tells it like it is – ready for some fun and honest feedback?","TEMPLATE_LOCKED":"Challenge locked","GET_4_5_ON_CURRENT_LEVEL_WITH_SKIP":"You must get 4 or 5 stars on the current challenge, then you can proceed to the next one!

Also, you can use a Skip Token to proceed to the next challenge, you currently have: #nr!

Would you like to try again or proceed using 1 Skip Token?","USE_SKIP_TOKEN":"Use Skip Token","GET_4_5_ON_CURRENT_LEVEL_NO_SKIP":"You must get 4 or 5 stars on the current challenge, then you can proceed to the next one!

Also, you can use Skip Tokens to proceed to the next challenge, but you have none at the moment! You will get some tomorrow!

You can also replay some of the challenges you skipped previously, and if you get 4 or 5, your Skip Token will be returned and you can use it for other challenges!","CHAPTER":"Chapter","CHALLENGE":"Challenge","":"","key":"en","TEMPLATE_LOCKED_DESC":"This template is locked. You have to solve previous templates to unlock this one.

Would you like to play Template #templateNr in Chapter #chapterNr now?"}};